Our students really like Habit 3. They find they can Put First Things First one time and reap results, then think they've got it down. Making it a habit takes true understanding of the priorities we set for ourselves, then making the choice to have the discipline to work on the "big rocks." We can help our students by giving them easy chances to try putting first things first, and showing them how the success of completing tasks breeds more success.
Simon Sinek talks about the chemistry of social animals in his book, Leaders Eat Last. When we check off those items on our "to do" lists, our bodies release dopamine into our systems. The dopamine causes us to feel good. Have you ever added something to your "to do" list that wasn't there, just because you had completed it and could cross it off? I have. It releases dopamine, and the kick we get from the drug is addictive. I think that's why our students enjoy Habit 3 so much. The balance they need to feel occurs when they begin incorporating the first two Habits, along with the work they can do with the other Habits working with others. Sinek's research shows that when people reach the balance created by being whole in this way, serotonin and oxytocin are released. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate emotions. Oxytocin is a hormone that works as a neuromodulator in the brain. It extends our ability to care about others, to reduce anxiety among other things.
Our job is to help students learn the Habits, to begin to live the Habits so they can make sound decisions about their lives at school and everywhere.
Habit 3 is a favorite for students because it gives immediate results. Lets get them focusing on the feelings that make this Habit and the other six permanent.
- Our Superintendent, Dr. Randy Liepa, has been chosen as Superintendent of the Year for the trip-county area. His acceptance of the award will be Monday night at the Board meeting at 7:00. You are welcome to join me in recognizing him at this meeting. The award will be presented first thing in the meeting followed by a break, so we can leave right after.
- We are still having difficulty at the end of the day with students rushing to get to buses, and with teachers not turning their bus cards. It is imperative that teachers walk their students all the way to the exit to the parking lot where the buses are waiting. We have put this in the update before. It's not enough to leave them at the gym doors. Please make sure the students exit the building safely, reminding them to walk carefully to their buses.
- Our staff breakfast is this Thursday in the lounge. Thanks to the Enthusiasm Team for providing this event. We will have a fun morning!
Our Schedule This Week:
Monday... 7:30 am Breakfast with Randy (Terry)
1:30 Data Dig Meeting at Webster (Terry)
7:00 pm Board Meeting (Terry)
Tuesday... 8:45 LEAD time
3:45 Lighthouse Team
Wednesday... Variety Show assemblies and night show
8:00 IST meeting
Thursday... 7:45-8:30 Staff Breakfast in the lounge
Friday... Peace