Friday, June 13, 2014

Teacher Teach So Much More Than Just Curriculum

I was so thankful I didn’t have to speak on Thursday at the luncheon.  I couldn’t have spoken without crying after watching Judy’s fabulous annual staff DVD.  I felt this overwhelming feeling of appreciation.  Appreciation for all of you.  For Team Cooper.  For the students and families we serve every day. 

We often hear the negative comments and they seem to be louder than all the positive;  the parent who told Terry and I last week that we don’t know anything about child psychology or child communication or the student that grumbled about how happy she is to leave.  Yet, we often have to tell ourselves that is not the truth.  We have to know that for the majority of our students we do make a difference.  A 6th grade parent came up to me at the incoming 5th grade Parent Information Night and told me that she wanted to let us know how grateful she was for the support we had given her daughter this year during a difficult time. Another parent emailed Dr. Liepa to praise our staff and wrote, “As an employee in another district, I have an even deeper understanding and admiration for their professionalism and dedication to not only my child, but all the children of LPS.  If there was any way I thought my district could lure them away from Livonia, I would be all for it!”  I received another email last night from a parent of a 6th grader who wrote, “Your understanding and guidance made such a big difference for her this school year.”  

There was an excellent article this week in the Detroit Free Press by guest columnist Toulla Palazeti of Northville titled "Teachers Teach So Much More Than Just Curriculum."  In describing her own children, she wrote, “Besides family, their teachers were the most influential and important adults in their lives. Part of the person they have become is because of their teachers. Even after teachers no longer recognize my children’s faces or remember their names, their impression is still evident.”  I stayed up until 10:30 the following night baking cookies for my children’s teachers.  We’ve been blessed so far to have excellent teachers for my girls so far.  Tamsin had the most amazing kindergarten teacher this year.  In his letter I wrote. “Every school needs a Mr. Davis and we’re so glad that Tamsin had you.”  Ugh!  It makes me cry just thinking about it. 

I used to think that kindergarten was one of the most important grades to have a great teacher because it’s a child’s first introduction to school.  Yet, I used to love teaching 3rd grade because much of the research (school to prison pipeline, etc) indicates the importance of reading by third grade as an indicator for success and I thought I could make this big difference.  Now, I see children whose 5th grade year turns around their opinion of school and 6th graders who leave as confident students ready to embark on the tough middle school years.  Children deserve great teachers every year.  Not just the at-risk students.  Not just the students who are good at school.  Not just the girls or boys or two parent families or divorced families.  Every student deserves a great teacher every year.  It makes our job tough.  There’s no slacking in teaching.  There’s not a lot of room for bad days.  It’s an important job and important jobs make big differences. 

We love you guys.  Have a wonderful, terrific, fantastic summer.  You deserve it!

 First Day of School                                              Last Day of School

Teachers schedule for the week of June 16, 2014: RELAX!!!

Terry and Sarah’s schedule for the week of June 16, 2014
Monday: Terry training Garfield staff in the 7 Habits
                   Sarah at Cooper
Tuesday: Terry training Garfield staff in the 7 Habits
                  Sarah at Title meeting 8:00-11:00 then Sarah to Cooper
Wednesday: Sarah and Terry last day at Cooper
Thursday: Elementary Principal’s meeting 8:00-11:30
                     Sarah and Terry at Johnson to work on Blogging presentation for August PD
Friday: Sarah and Terry at Hayes
              Lighthouse Meeting 8:00-11:00

                VistaTech LEADS Luncheon 11:30

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Last Week, 2013-14

"The human organism needs an ample supply of good building material to repair the effects of daily wear and tear." ~Indra Devi, Russian-American author and yogini

Ahh, Habit 7. We are heading quickly into summer and the chance to really put together some serious saw sharpening. I know I will be working some extra days doing some consulting for FranklinCovey, traveling to Nantucket once our next grandchild is born in July, right after a conference in Saugatuck, then getting some sailing in before our return on August 12. Hopefully I can get in some reading and settle some work on the old dissertation. Sarah will be heading to Pentwater with her family right after we're finished. Then she has a week at the farm in Illinois with Barry and the girls. Time with family is so important to us. We sharpen our saws by tending to our hearts and spirits enjoying our spouses and children.

A great saw sharpener we all get to do is get off the clock and make our own schedules, planning our days around those activities that refresh and replenish our bodies and minds. Sarah and I will be working through the 23rd. Please use our cell phones to stay in touch as you relax and sharpen your saws. Educators work so very hard, and this Cooper staff has really put in the hours. We need that time to exhale.

This week we need to get the packing finished. We have to be out of the building by 3:30 Friday. Sarah and I will be checking out staff on Thursday and Friday up to 3:30. If you need boxes, contact Jeff. I implore you to refrain from getting information from the night workers. We are hearing about changes everyday. Sarah and I are trying to keep you apprised as quickly as we know what is really happening. To that end, please check your email over the summer break. We will be getting information to you about school changes as we know them. As soon as we can get back into the building, you will hear from us. We will get the building available for you to work in as soon as we can. As things stand now, Sarah and I will be working at Hayes when we return. The secretaries will join us there when they return. Teachers are to return August 25th for PD days with a workday on the 28th. We will stay in touch via email and this blog with your schedule for that week.

This week is busy with the incoming parent meeting Monday night, report cards due Tuesday at midnight, sixth grade send off Wednesday, fifth grade field trips this week, and the half day for students ending their year on Thursday. The status of the computer labs will be day-to-day. We are expecting them to be dismantled anytime. Judy will be teaching in the LMC as long as she can, but boxes will begin to be moved this week. Title I needs to begin shutting down this week as well.

Remember to be signed out and ready to go by 3:30 Friday. All staff must turn in their keys and cards to the office. 

We want to thank our Lighthouse Team for meeting last Friday. They are happy to have had a productive planning session. Below are a few of the notes from their meeting.
Just to sum up a few notes from our planning day on Friday.
  • We had a very productive positive day.
  • It was decided that we would randomly assign leadership partner classrooms at the first staff meeting in the fall by drawing them from a hat, box, bucket or other receptacle.
  • The roles on LT for next year are as follows:
  • Facilitator - Robin
  • Training Coordinator - Terry
  • Scribe - rotate monthly
  • Web Administrator/Communications - Judy
  • Parent Connection - Nicole
  • Historian/Documentation - Annette, Lauren, Sandy, Kathy
  • Administrative Advisors - Terry & Sarah
  • We thoroughly went through the rubric for hitting the Lighthouse Milestone (formerly known at Lighthouse Status) and realized we are super close.  We will contact Covey  about next steps.
  • We began brainstorming Committees/Teams to put in place for next year.  We are working on descriptions of them and will ask staff to sign up for them at the first staff meeting.  
  • We decided on 1 year goals:
    • Reach Lighthouse Milestone in 2014-15
    • Student Attendance (Absences will be < a certain number of days, to be determined after looking at this year's numbers)
    • SI goals (math, writing, reading)
    • 100% participation in Leadership Notebooks and Student Led Conferences (we will be explaining a variety of methods that could be used for conferences which will happen anytime before June, 2015) 
  • We would like to schedule full day training for Lighthouse Team in the fall with Terry.

Our schedule this week, June 9-13:

Monday: Last day of marking period
               Service Squad parties, 5th grade at 11:15, 6th grade at 12:10
               New Parent Meeting in Cafe, 6:00-7:00

Tuesday:  Report cards due at midnight 

Wednesday: Many of 5th grade to Zoo
                     6th grade send off

Thursday:  Autograph morning (details to come)
                  Student dismissal at 11:50 am
                  Taco lunch and annual DVD at noonish in Cafe

Friday:      Teacher workday
                 All staff must be signed out, turn in keys and cards
                 Leave by 3:30 pm

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The End is Near...

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection.  From quiet reflection comes even more effective action.”  Peter Drucker

Wow!  This school year has really flown by!  The end is in sight.  The School Improvement Plan has been turned in.  Evaluations are done.  Rooms are being torn down and packed up. 

It was wonderful to meet with all of you about evaluations over the last couple of weeks.  In lots of ways, we believe that it allowed us some time to reflect on the entire year.  We were able to set goals that let us begin with the end in mind for next year.  We have an amazing staff and that was evident in all of our meetings and discussions with you!

The truth is that year in and year out there is room for improvement. Good educators search for areas of improvement constantly. The end of each year through the summer and into the beginning of the next school year provides a natural transition point for growth and improvement to occur.  The end quickly sneaks up on us.  Finishing the year strong is an essential characteristic of an effective teacher.  As you finish the year, don’t forget to reflect on this year, enjoy your final days with your students and colleagues, and take pride in the job you have done to improve the lives of your students.
Big Rocks: Come and join us as we celebrate Pat Abele’s life and work in education.  We are so happy for you Pat and can’t wait to hear about all of the adventures that retirement will bring!
For the Week of June 2, 2014:
Monday: Terry @ Emerson 8:00-9:30
              Sarah evaluation meeting with Andrea CO 11:45-12:30
              Livonia Summer reading program LMC 8:45-1:00
              Walk-through with movers 3:45

Tuesday: IST 8:00  
     6th grade end of year concert in Gym 9:35 and 1:55
               Rock Star Ice Cream Party 3:00 (?)

Wednesday: EPT 8:00
Science Book Fair CO 8:00-11:00 (Sally, Wendy, Ron, Lynn,     Denise)
Planning Team 3:45

Thursday:  8:00 Staff Meeting
                 6th grade Recreation Center Trip
                EPM 1:00-4:30
                Interested Parent Lighthouse Meeting 6:00
                 Incoming 5th Grade Parent Info Meeting 6:00-7:00 pm

Friday:      Pat's Retirement Party at Doc's 4:00-10:00