Friday, October 30, 2015

Growing Our Circle of Influence

The numbers of articles I see posted on Facebook and in the news about disgruntled teachers is growing.  There was a very popular article this summer titled, "The One Reason I Quit Teaching" and this week there has been another one on Facebook called "Why I Can't Teach Anymore."  While I understand teachers frustration over the current state of education, I have to admit that these articles drive me crazy.

In Leader in Me, we talk about our Circle of Control or Circle of Influence and our Circle of No Control or Circle of Concern.  We need to focus on this more.  You see, when we concentrate on our Circle of Influence our Circle of Influence grows and when we spend more time focused on our Circle of Concern our Circle of Influence shrinks.

We can't control standardized testing requirements but we can control how we react.  We can write our lawmakers and educate others about the effect these tests can have on our students.  We can choose to create calm testing environments where we can help our students to do their personal best and understand that a test doesn't define them.  We can create joyful schools where students want to come to school to learn.

We can't control a talkative class or hyperactive student but we can use best practices to allow them to be the most successful they can be.  We can teach them what's in their control.  We can explicitly teach talk on task or movement activities to engage them the way they learn best.

We can't change family crises or parenting styles.  However, we have an opportunity to build relationships that influence students in a positive way and help them believe in themselves.  Many educators love the quote, "The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving ways."  Do you believe that and if you do what will you do about it?  Most often these children feel unloved, unwanted, not valuable, and hurt.  What they need isn't greater control or bigger punishments.  They need love, understanding, compassion, and someone to teach them a better way.

Last year, we had a 5th grade student who none of us seemed able to reach, even me.  His behaviors pushed people away.  This week, Tara sent me a copy of a letter titled, "Someone I respect."  This young man wrote a heart felt paper that started with this, "I respect my teacher Mrs. Daraskavich because she has been the most helpful teacher I've ever had" and ended with the following...
"She's been the most understanding teacher I've ever had.  So far this is the least stressful year I've ever had.  She understands kid's differences.  She was nominated teacher of the week.  Honestly, I can understand why."  Wow!

We can all make a difference in a student's life.  We're not necessarily going to be able to do that to every student in our class every year.  Don't think though that the extra kind word, attendance at a sporting event or theater performance, lending just the right book, finding them an extra snack, or a positive phone call home doesn't make a difference.  Many of our kids have enough people giving up on them.  Don't be another one.

Teaching is hard work.  We know we're asking a lot to teach rigorous curriculum that develops critical thinkers while building strong relationships.  It sucks that teachers don't get paid what they should and that lawmakers have reduced our profession to a job that needs to be advertised on highway billboards.  Yet, I still couldn't walk away.  I wouldn't tell my own children not to got into teaching.  I'm not about to let my frustration kick me out of public education.

We have a pretty awesome school here.  That's because we choose to act within our Circle of Influence.  "Everyone Learning, Everyone Leading, Together."  That's what we do everyday.  Devote the majority of your time and energy to changing what is in your Circle of Influence and that positive energy will pay off.

Big Rocks:
The funds for the Walk-a-thon are dismal.  We need to "pump it up!"  As of right now, we barely have enough money to buy prizes!  Where are our superheroes?

Let's Sharpen the Saw!  Trupp Transformational Health will be here Tuesday, November 3 from 8:00-12:00.  You just need to complete the consent form and arrive 3-5 minutes early.  It will be held in the community room across from Sandy Wise's room.  Enjoy!

Are you interested in having a pre student teacher from Madonna?  Students must complete 30 clock hours in the classroom (ie. two half days/week for six weeks).  Most students will be in your classroom to observe, tutor, and engage in other educational opportunities.  There is a critical need for placements.  Let one of us know and we will add you to the sign up sheet if interested.

We had our second Pop in with the Principals on Thursday.  Lots of things happened outside our circle of control.  The Costco guy overslept and was late.  The sound system in the cafe wouldn't work.  However, we still had 10 parents show up (double from September) and had a great conversation about how to foster a growth mindset in children and how the 7 habits and growth mindset fit together.

Robin sent out an email offering support for i-Ready training and analysis.  All of these dates are voluntary.  Thanks to Robin for giving up her time and services.
Monday, 11/2 8-8:30 am
Monday, 11/2 11:15-12:00
Monday, 11/2 3:40-4:15

Tuesday, 11/3 9-10 am (work day)
Please sign up for 2 computer lab periods on the 2015-2016 Computer Lab sign out sheet to administer i-Ready reading by November 20th.  The Title I team will do makeups on the 23rd and 24th.  Thanks Robin, Kathy, and Christine
Learning Walks: A new survey has been sent out for our December 7th Learning Walk.  Please complete the survey and consider being a part of this professional learning process.

Calendar for the Week of November 2:
Monday: Kristi at Coolidge for Growth Mindset 8:15
               Noon Monitors' Meeting 10:50
               OSS Meeting 1:30-4:00
Tuesday: Teacher Work Day
                Trupp Massage 8:00-12:00
Wednesday: IST 8:00
                    QAR Meeting (Sarah) 9:30-11:00
                     Curriculum Meeting (Sarah) 11:00-12:00
Thursday: Staff Meeting: i-Ready Parent Information 8:00
                 Picture Retake
Friday: Walk-a-thon 2:00-2:45, Prizes 2:45-3:00

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Learning Walks

Sometimes you just have to jump in feet first!  That’s how we felt this week with Learning Walks.  Everyone was a little nervous.  Even me!  Yet, I knew in my heart that our Cooper culture had the trust necessary to began this journey.  Teachers that participated spoke about how proud they felt of our staff, that it was the best professional development they had been a part of in years, that they appreciated one another even more, and that they had observed something that either validated their teaching or that they would take back and try right away.

We truly work in a dream school.  Our collaborative and supportive culture makes great things happen for kids everyday.  On our worst days, we always have a shoulder to lean on.  Thank you to all of you that have supported and continue to support this endeavor.
Observing in Darci's Class

Checking out Mary Ann's Science Lesson

Big Rocks:
A HUGE thank you to everyone who stayed to support the Cooper Fall Festival.  We know that there were some concerns over the Pie in the Face, which we will continue to address.  However, we truly are thankful to the staff and parents who signed up.  It really was better than last year with the beautifully designed wooden boards courtesy of Lauren and PTA.  

Finalists in the Cooper Costume Contest were given medals but the Cooper students will vote on the winners this week.  Stay tuned for more info.

The biggest thank you of all goes to Paul who worked a double to ensure that everything went smoothly.  He walked 47, 000 steps-21 miles on Friday!!!  That is no joke!  We had to evacuate the entire building when the fog machine in the haunted house set off the fire alarm and I would not have known how to turn off the alarm without him!  Thanks Paul!
The Funniest Picture of the Night!

Calendar for the Week of October 26:
Monday: 11:45 Student Lighthouse
               1:00-2:30 DSIT @ CO (Sarah)
               Union Meeting in the Lounge
Tuesday: iReady Administrator Training 8:00-11:00 @ Johnson (Sarah and Kristi)
                Lighthouse Meeting 3:45-5:00
Wednesday: DSIT Meeting Sarah @ Cass 8:15-8:45
                     IST 8:00 ?
Thursday: Staff Meeting: Costco will be present.  LIM 8:00
                  Pop in with the Principals Parent Meeting with Costco 9:00-10:00 Cafe
                  Elementary Principals' Meeting 1:00-4:30
Friday: QAR Meeting Sarah @ Grant 8:15
             Bowling Field Trip
             Cranbrook Science Center Field Trip


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Keep Calm and Camp On

"Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives."  Thomas Berry

"It's hard to imagine how the next generation is going to save the environment if they haven't actually spent time in it." Anonymous 

"Time in nature is not leisure time; it's an essential investment in our children's health (and also, by the way, our own). " Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods

I'm not going to lie.  Last week, I was exhausted, stressed, and hungry most of the time.  I rode in an ambulance, stayed up past midnight regulating blood sugars, drove the luggage truck at night, and felt like I was doing three jobs at once.  I actually thought...maybe it's too much to do camp anymore.  

Yet, I love camp.  I know, probably more surely than anything else, that camp is good for kids.  Kids, and adults for that matter, need more time in nature.  New research suggests that spending time in nature improves our health, happiness, and overall well being.  In Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell's article, "Does Nature Make Us Happy?", she argues that connections with nature are linked with happiness and ecological sustainability.  In Richard Louv's book, Lost Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature Deficit Disorder, he alleges that kids are so plugged in to their video games and technology that they have lost their connection to the natural world.  We know this is true.

On Saturday, my husband and I let Carys ride her bike to the neighborhood park.  By herself.  Without a cell phone (she doesn't have one).  She returned flushed with excitement, feeling responsible, and proud of herself.  On Saturday night, we went to an outdoor Fall Festival party and Tamsin declared the best part of the night playing hide and seek in the old pine trees that lined our friend's property.  Our children today are not that different from children 10 years ago, 20 years ago, or 30 years ago.  They want to learn, play, discover, explore.  They are still curious.  They still want to be loved, be viewed as responsible, and be respectful.  If they are not, it is not because they don't want to be.  They have not been taught.  Let us be their teachers.  Be patient.  Be kind.  If they need to move, incorporate it into the day, go outside, take a walk, move around in your classroom, don't take away recess from the students who need it the most.  Remember, kids can't bounce off walls if there aren't any. :)

Big Rocks:
Thank you so much to everyone who helped with camp.  Everyone has heard all of our thank yous.  A special thank you to Diane for staying late to cover on Wednesday when Bill got hurt. Thanks again to Robin for securing a truck and driving it back and forth to camp!  We would love to debrief with 6th grade teachers when we have a free minute!

There were incorrect dates in the Critical Dates with regard to marking periods and report cards.  Here are the correct dates:
Marking Period Ends: 10/30
Deadline for Report Card Completion: 11/3
Report Cards Go Home: 11/9

LPS I-Ready trainers are receiving training on I-Ready: Understanding Data this week.  Administrators are receiving training the following week.  There are parent reports and there has been conversation about how and when we share this information.  We want to be transparent but we also want to understand the data fully ourselves.  We are waiting for more specific information but I believe, at this time, central office only wants us to touch briefly on this at conferences.  We will provide talking points if this occurs.

Please feel free to sign up for a monthly PTA meeting if you are interested in attending a PTA meeting.  I believe that Bill sent out a sign up sheet this week.  The next PTA meeting is Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30 in the LMC.  PTA has budgeted $50 for each teacher for various classroom reimbursements.  However, you must be a PTA member ($6 for dues) and turn in your receipts by February 1, 2015 to receive your $50.

Please consider supporting the PTA by attending the Cooper Fall Festival on Friday.  All my munchkins will be in attendance!

Kiwanis is sponsoring a Shoe Drive.  The winning school receives $1,000!  Right now, Riley is beating Cooper.  Let's get them!  The school with the most pounds of shoes wins.

Calendar for the Week of October 19:
Monday: 11:45 Student Lighthouse
Tuesday: 3:45-5:00 Lighthouse Team
Wednesday: 8:00 IST
                     Learning Walks
                     2:45 A.B 3 Year IEP Meeting
Thursday: 10:00 Lock Down (John Raymond here.)
                  1:00-4:00 I-Ready training at Cooper (Robin, Sandy, Shawn)
                  3:45-4:45 Extended Staff Meeting DSIT, Phil Francis visiting
Friday: I-Ready test window closes
            Family Fun Festival 5:45-9:00

Monday, October 12, 2015

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

Wow!  We had a lot of fun last week didn't we?  It was a pleasure reading with students during the Pod Read-ins.  We're glad it worked because that gives us an opportunity to connect 5th and 6th grade students and may create some more collaborative teacher time in the future.  We just got started on looking at our School Improvement Plan during collaborative staff meeting time.  We definitely need some more time with this.  What is it we want kids to know?  How do we assess in a meaningful way that allows students to demonstrate their learning?  This is a great article by Ryan Schaaf that gives some new ways to have students show what they know: 60 Things Students Can Do To Demonstrate Their Learning.

Just in case you wanted to know what your superhero principals were up to this weekend or how Judy Bowling spent her Friday night.  :)

Super Kristi!

Someone in California needs help!

Super Duo

Big Rocks: 

A big thank you to all 6th grade teachers for your help and devotion with getting ready for camp.  The biggest thank you of all to Robin!  Kristi and I never would have known all the ins and outs of camp if it were not for Robin.  Also, thank you to Bill Lietz for staying late on Wednesday in order to provide additional needed coverage and to Gina Ervin for coming as well!  We are now ready to rock!  Luggage will be dropped off starting at 7:00 a.m Monday.  Due to the slight delay with the luggage truck, there is a possibility that the students may arrive well before the luggage.  When student arrive at camp, they should go directly to Lakeview (A, B, C) or Grindley (D-I) for orientation and sack lunches.  After orientation, students can get luggage, go to their cabins, and meet back at the poles at noon for activities.  If luggage is not there by that time, students will begin activities and unload luggage later.

5th Grade classes will be eating during A & B lunches this week.

Robin, Sarah, and Kristi are sharing time at camp.
Monday: All of us will be here in the morning.  Sarah will take the meds out to camp after students board the buses.  Kristi will stay to make sure everything is ok and join us out at camp later.  Robin is staying the night at camp.
Tuesday: Sarah will be at PD.  We are hoping Kristi can be at camp but we're not sure yet.  Sarah will go to camp following PD and stay the night at camp.
Wednesday: Kristi and Robin will get the second group off.  Sarah will be at camp and getting the first group loaded on the buses to return to Cooper.  Sarah will then welcome the new group.  Kristi will welcome the 1st group back to Cooper and make sure all students have been picked up.  Kristi will then come out to camp and stay the night.
Thursday: Kristi will be at camp in the morning.  Sarah will be at Cooper.  Both principals have to attend Elementary Principals' meeting from 1:00-4:30 at the Board Office.  Sarah will then go to PTA at 6:30 and arrive back at camp to stay the night following PTA.
Friday: Sarah will be at camp and get the second group loaded on buses to return to Cooper.  Kristi will welcome students back to Cooper.  We will all have survived Camp 2015!

K-6 classroom teachers will attend Reading and Writing in the Content Areas at VistaTech Center at Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty Road, on Tuesday.  It will be very packed.  This session will begin at 8:00 and end at 11:00.  There are lots of great places to grab lunch around there. Be please ready to begin the afternoon session at Cooper at 12:30.  Please bring your pink Curriculum Companion to the afternoon session.

We get our new computers this week!  Judy sent an email so please check it. The delivery is scheduled for the 12th.  A representative will be there on the 13th to help with any issues.

We haven't really had a chance to discuss how Leadership Notebooks are going for everyone.  We've successfully started the school year and you are beginning to know your students.  What are their academic goals?  What are their personal goals?

How are your classroom mission statements going?  We need to revive our Learning and Leading mission wall.  Let's get those new missions up there!

Calendar for the Week of October 12:
Monday: CAMP for Kopacko, Mansour, Kimball, Webster, Lietz and Erickson
                Student Services Meeting for Kristi @ CO @ 11:00
Tuesday: PD Day 8:00-11:00 Crafting Nonfiction @ Schoolcraft
                              12:30-3:30 Content Integration Collaborative Time @ Cooper
Wednesday: CAMP for Martin, Spence, McGlinch, Daraskavich, Redmond, Backiel
Thursday: No Staff Meeting
                 11:30 Sarah @ Literacy Liason Meeting
                 1:00-4:30 Elementary Principals' Meeting
                 6:30 PTA Meeting
Friday: 8:00-11:00 Title 1 Meeting @ CO (Kristi and Robin)
             F & P Scores due in Illuminate
             LEAD Time meet with Accountability Partners or work on Mission Statement

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October Oasis

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
Anne of Green Gables

I read an article on Twitter recently by Frank Buck who wrote about the "Oasis of October."  He spoke about how October was one of his favorite months as a teacher and administrator because school routines were in place, the beginning of the school year events were complete, and there was a good stretch of learning time before the holiday interruptions of November and December.  He said, "if I wanted to launch something new, re-tool something old, or do some course correction, October was my best shot at making it happen."

What is going well for you?  For Cooper?  What still needs to change?  How can we help and support you?  In our oasis of October, we plan to get into classrooms, reinforce behavior expectations, continue to embed Leader in Me into all we do, and promote Cooper to increase parent communication.  Remember, if you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

"Adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you."  Author Unknown

"Break the monotony.  Do something strange and extravagant."  Emerson

Walking on Susie's Track

Big Rocks:
Camp is almost here!  Thank you to Robin, Pam, Julie, and Bill for all of their help with organization, fundraisers, meds, health care plans, and scholarships.  A big thank you to all of the 6th grade teachers for all of their help and support.  We have experienced some issues with chaperone availability and coverage overnight for the second group but we think we are getting there.  Student camp meetings will take place this Tuesday and a chaperone meeting will be held Wednesday night.  

F & P scores are due in Illuminate on Friday, October, 9th.  There is still a lot of questions and concerns over F & P.  We will be placing a memo in your boxes from the district regarding consistency and administration.  Here's the low down.
  • Teachers will alternate F/NF for each assessment.  We know a lot of teachers disagree with this.  Fountas and Pinnell state in their FAQ that "The fiction and nonfiction are equivalent measures."
  • There will be consistent use of comprehension questions and utilization of the protocol beyond the running record in order to move a student to the next level.
  • You MUST use the Benchmark Criteria for Levels L-Z grid on page 51 of the Curriculum Companion and page 40 of the F & P Systems 2.  If a child reads a level T and scores a 97% on accuracy, but a 6 on comprehension then it is too hard and you must test down a level.  If a child reads a level X and scores 99% accuracy and 7 on comprehension, you must test at the higher level.
  • You MUST test until you find the correct instructional level.  The curriculum companion states, "Teachers will continue assessing until they identify a placement level for each student.  In the past, teacher assessment of student progress stopped when a student met grade level expectations.  This is no longer the case."  This often means that you are testing 2-3 times for each student.  LPS knows that the use of F & P as the evaluation tool has conflicted with the administration of the diagnostic.  Please remember that knowing your child's true reading level helps you as the educator ensure the best learning for that child.  
  • We know that this is time consuming.  We would like to offer Pod Read-Ins on Wednesday morning to allow just a little bit longer for testing.  Kristi and Sarah and any other teachers who would like to join will be in the cafe on Wednesday morning.  Your students may bring books, magazines, and blankets to the cafe.  If you have a special during that time, please feel free to switch with another teacher but please switch so that we don't have more than 8 classes in the cafe at a time.  We do still need to check with Jeff if this is cutting it too close so just a heads up!
    • Pod A: Wise, Bubar, Mark, Krekeler, Lietz, Erickson, Backiel, Redmond 8:50-9:30
    • Pod B: Licata, Estes, Yost, Stackpoole, Kimball, Webster, Kopacko, Mansour           9:35-10:15
    • Pod C: Santi, deCarli, Cohan, Spence, Martin, Daraskavich, McGlinch 10:20-11:00
Thank you to Bill for hosting the first staff meeting in a classroom!  We really appreciated it Bill!  This weeks staff meeting will be held in the library.  We will be meeting in curricular teams to go over the School Improvement Plan strategies and activities for you curricular area.  We are hoping to have collaboration time within curricular teams and also grade level teams on a more regular basis than in the past.

The Fire Drill this week will be held during passing time.  Please review with your students what is the protocol for a fire drill that may occur during passing time or lunch time.

The PTA Fall Festival is October 23 this year.  It was a lot of fun last year.  PTA would love if you would consider signing up for Pie in the Face.  I know.  I cringe just thinking about it but I probably will sign up for the kids.  Ahhh!  Believe me I did advocate for a dunk tank!  Do it for the kids people! :)

Calendar for the Week of October 5:
Monday: Fire Drill 9:35
               Student Lighthouse 11:35
               Verizon Mobile Learning Academy 5:00

Tuesday: Camp Meetings Group 1 10/12-10/14 -9:00-9:30
                Group 2 10/14-10/16-1:30-2:00
               Lighthouse Meeting 3:45-4:45

Wednesday: Camp Chaperone Meeting 6:30 pm

Thursday: Staff Meeting in Library 8:00
Friday: LEAD time Walk-a-thon Kick Off (Exact Times TBA)
             Illuminate F & P Due