Monday, May 12, 2014

Time to Pack!

We are in the season of moving forward. We move to completing evaluations. We move to completing the school year. We move to activities that mark the end, such as Variety Show, Field Day, Sixth Grade Sendoff, and final day field trips. We move to summer, that time of renewal. We move to begin another year of educating 5th and 6th graders.

This summer, however, we also need to move our things. We need to prepare the rooms for renovations. Already there are new toilets and sinks. Wiring is being layer all over the building. And sounds of hammers and ladders and trucks and equipment can be heard every night. It's time to begin packing.

Every room needs to be emptied. We will not look as we normally do by the end of the year. We need to be totally packed up and out of here on June 13, not returning until late August. That means it's time to pack the boxes, time to take your personal things home. There is no need to wait. Keep the packed boxes in your room, labeled and stacked. Nothing that's staying will be leaving your room until the 14th. Move forward with packing, even though it will indicate to students that the year is ending. We recommend you post a calendar in your classroom with all still to be completed by students. Help them see that they have more work to do. And at the same time, have them help pack books you won't need and supplies you won't be using the remainder of the year.

We also need to pack the common areas at Cooper, particularly the lounge, science and math rooms, and the book room. To accomplish this, we will create sign up sheets for these areas. Everyone needs to pick an area to help pack. A "captain" will be assigned for each area to help coordinate each area. If you would like to volunteer to be a captain, please let Sarah or Terry know.

We have designated two Saturdays to open the school for those wishing to get work done at Cooper. The first of these is this Saturday. We will have the building open from 8-4. You will be able to let yourself in using your ID badge. Sarah and/or Terry will be in the building (we are packing, too). You are welcome to come for any part of the day you need. You area also welcome to bring helpers. We cannot generate a lot of trash, and all of it needs to be taken to the dumpster, so rooms are ready for Monday.

We will also open the school on Saturday, May 31.

As we complete the tedious task of packing, remember we will be thrilled with our renovated school in August when we return! No matter when we're allowed back in, we will make this a great place to be by our Open Houses in October.

Big Thank You's to our 6th grade Camp participants! The Camp experience was wonderful! We had good weather, fun activities, and great support from our chaperones and staff! The kids had a great time!! The camp staff agreed that we had outstanding students! Thanks to Robin for all of her organizing, changing, worrying, collaborating, and coordinating! The Howell staff are always so impressed with our organization! Also, thanks to Diane and Nicole for helping with grouping. The groups seemed to work really well. Thanks, too, to Mary Beth for her work with the souvenirs and providing snacks for staff! Great stuff!!

The schedule for the next two weeks includes:

Week of May 12
Monday:                 QAR Meeting, 9:30, Sarah
                               WSU Law School Graduation, 4:30, Terry

Tuesday:                 IST, 8:00
                               ACES, 10:30-11:00
                               TOY Committee, CO, Terry, 12:30-4:30
                               6th Grade Variety Show MANDATORY rehearsal, 3:40-5:00
                               After School Clubs
                               Title I Parent Outreach presentation, 6:00-8:00 (Terry and Robin)

Wednesday:            DIA Field trip for some 5th grades
                               EPT, 8:00
                               Emerson RCR conferences throughout the day

Thursday:               DIA Field trip for the rest of 5th grade
                               Extended staff meeting, 3:45-4:45

Friday:                    F&P Scores Due in MiStar

Saturday:               Building open, 8-4

Week of May 19
Monday:                 PD hours due to RESA site
                               Consultant meeting, Novi, Terry 4:30

Tuesday:                 IST, 8:00
                               Summary of Student Growth Data due to your evaluator
                               Erickson/Lietz DIA field trip
                               After School Clubs

Wednesday:            EPT, 8:00
                               Variety Show, 6:00-9:00

Thursday:               Staff Meeting, 8:00
                               School Improvement Plan due

Friday:                    Administrator summary of Growth Data due

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of area "Captains"!! We may implement that as well as we continue to pack for the summer.
