Friday, June 13, 2014

Teacher Teach So Much More Than Just Curriculum

I was so thankful I didn’t have to speak on Thursday at the luncheon.  I couldn’t have spoken without crying after watching Judy’s fabulous annual staff DVD.  I felt this overwhelming feeling of appreciation.  Appreciation for all of you.  For Team Cooper.  For the students and families we serve every day. 

We often hear the negative comments and they seem to be louder than all the positive;  the parent who told Terry and I last week that we don’t know anything about child psychology or child communication or the student that grumbled about how happy she is to leave.  Yet, we often have to tell ourselves that is not the truth.  We have to know that for the majority of our students we do make a difference.  A 6th grade parent came up to me at the incoming 5th grade Parent Information Night and told me that she wanted to let us know how grateful she was for the support we had given her daughter this year during a difficult time. Another parent emailed Dr. Liepa to praise our staff and wrote, “As an employee in another district, I have an even deeper understanding and admiration for their professionalism and dedication to not only my child, but all the children of LPS.  If there was any way I thought my district could lure them away from Livonia, I would be all for it!”  I received another email last night from a parent of a 6th grader who wrote, “Your understanding and guidance made such a big difference for her this school year.”  

There was an excellent article this week in the Detroit Free Press by guest columnist Toulla Palazeti of Northville titled "Teachers Teach So Much More Than Just Curriculum."  In describing her own children, she wrote, “Besides family, their teachers were the most influential and important adults in their lives. Part of the person they have become is because of their teachers. Even after teachers no longer recognize my children’s faces or remember their names, their impression is still evident.”  I stayed up until 10:30 the following night baking cookies for my children’s teachers.  We’ve been blessed so far to have excellent teachers for my girls so far.  Tamsin had the most amazing kindergarten teacher this year.  In his letter I wrote. “Every school needs a Mr. Davis and we’re so glad that Tamsin had you.”  Ugh!  It makes me cry just thinking about it. 

I used to think that kindergarten was one of the most important grades to have a great teacher because it’s a child’s first introduction to school.  Yet, I used to love teaching 3rd grade because much of the research (school to prison pipeline, etc) indicates the importance of reading by third grade as an indicator for success and I thought I could make this big difference.  Now, I see children whose 5th grade year turns around their opinion of school and 6th graders who leave as confident students ready to embark on the tough middle school years.  Children deserve great teachers every year.  Not just the at-risk students.  Not just the students who are good at school.  Not just the girls or boys or two parent families or divorced families.  Every student deserves a great teacher every year.  It makes our job tough.  There’s no slacking in teaching.  There’s not a lot of room for bad days.  It’s an important job and important jobs make big differences. 

We love you guys.  Have a wonderful, terrific, fantastic summer.  You deserve it!

 First Day of School                                              Last Day of School

Teachers schedule for the week of June 16, 2014: RELAX!!!

Terry and Sarah’s schedule for the week of June 16, 2014
Monday: Terry training Garfield staff in the 7 Habits
                   Sarah at Cooper
Tuesday: Terry training Garfield staff in the 7 Habits
                  Sarah at Title meeting 8:00-11:00 then Sarah to Cooper
Wednesday: Sarah and Terry last day at Cooper
Thursday: Elementary Principal’s meeting 8:00-11:30
                     Sarah and Terry at Johnson to work on Blogging presentation for August PD
Friday: Sarah and Terry at Hayes
              Lighthouse Meeting 8:00-11:00

                VistaTech LEADS Luncheon 11:30

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