“Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic”
― Stephen R. Covey
We are just now getting to know our students while, at the same time, we're getting to know our renovated building! Sweet surprises are all over the place. We finally figured out how to turn the Cafe lights on and off (the switches are int he lighting panel on the stage). Jeff is labeling all the new switch boxes in the hallways and the gym. We're getting the sinks repaired that weren't working, and at the same time are so grateful the plumbing is working so much better than before!
Four students came to have lunch with me (Terry) on Friday. They were amazing! They already love Cooper and their teachers. They already want to get busy on decorating the white hallways. They are all fifth graders and they are all Cooper students after just a few days with us. The excitement within them was palpable! Now we are set to honor their feelings and their ambitions for Cooper with some work-a-thons, which I hope we will schedule soon.
Looking at the Covey quote above, we can find a lot to think about regarding our students and our renovated school. We've been trying for three-plus years to envelop the 7 Habits into our lives. Habit 1, Be Proactive, says we have choices about all of our actions. Our actions are based on our beliefs. Our beliefs are based on our perspectives, which may or may not be correct. Our perspectives (our paradigms) are based on the ways we see things. That includes our personal weather. If we're to be a light, not a judge, we need to "show" students and parents what we are about. If we're to be a model, not a critic, we need to "have the character" we're teaching others to have. It's not enough to tell them the expectations' we needy to be a light, be a model.
I have to keep these things in mind everyday. It's so easy for me to be sarcastic; I am trying to be funny. Most of our students do not understand sarcasm and can be hurt by it. I want to model positive interactions with everyone when students are there learning from me. I'm still working on this, and I know the 7 Habits are helping. I am using my accountability partner to help, too! How is this going for you and your accountability partner?
There is much to do and much to plan! We have camp coming up soon. So is open house! What do we want to do to show off Cooper? To communicate to parent and the community all we do?
We'd love to hear your comments! Click on the comments section below each post; you can write a word or a line or two!
Big Rocks:
Foundation Grants are available again this year! Forms are on line. The due date is October 1st, so get your ideas together and fill out the application! If you have questions, see Sarah, Terry, or Judy.
EveryDay Math testing window is extended to September 19. Our labs are almost all functioning, so sign up and let the testing begin...
Annoucements can begin. We will start with Sarah and Terry doing them at first. We'll work the students in. Sue is planning to train students again this year. Thanks, Sue!
Our LEAD time assembly this week will be on a more detailed explanation of the 7 Habits for our students. The meeting times and places (within the LEADS time) will be determined Monday and we will send out an email for you. Please don't fret too much about LEAD Time. It is an evolving concept. We will begin to make best use of planning for them soon and will be able to give you more time to plan as well.
We can't thank all of you enough for your patience and flexibility as we continue to get everything working in the school. The unusual hot weather and the tough start without printers was bad enough, but communication was difficult with no PA or phones. We will get lists of phone numbers and extension information as soon as we can. Computer and phone hook ups are being completed as quickly as can be done. Thank you all for your understanding, tolerance, and cooperation as the renovations continue!
Lost in the busy-ness of getting the school up and running has been how great it is to see everyone again! The summers are wonderful, but we also have a great time working with all of you! Cooper is such a fabulous place to come to work!
Calendar for the Week of September 8, 2014:
Monday: Terry has dentist, then Randy meeting at 7:30
EDM Testing window begins
Tuesday: LEAD Time: TBA how we will meet (see above)
Terry and Sarah will do 7 Habits in some detail.
Wednesday: Learning and leading
Thursday: Staff Meeting 8:00...CPS Reporting
Elementary Principals Meeting (EPM), 1:00-4:30
Student 6th grade Camp Meetings (Time to be determined)
Parent Camp Meeting, 6:30 in Cafe
Friday: Camp forms due (6th grade)
Fire Drill 2:00
I don't know how to comment as Sally and not Cooper Readers. Anyway . . . Annette and I are working on job applications and morning announcers is one of them. We hope to have the descriptions in your hands by next week. If you have any suggestions for additional leadership roles, let one of us know. We have already heard from a couple of you.