Friday, April 24, 2015

On Display at Cooper

Albert Einstein once said "Imagination is more important than knowledge."  This week we were highlighting creativity, imagination, literature, global thinking, and empathy at Cooper.  (Well, in the evenings at least!  Let's forget about M-Step for a minute!)  It was one of the busiest weeks we've had for a while but we got through it!

A big thank you to Bill Lietz and Lynn deCarli for providing our parents with information regarding Human Growth.  It's an anxiety producing subject for many families.  Lynn and Bill are so professional and are often a calming influence on our parents.  I feel like Kid President would say, "It's just science people!"  Some new staff still need training on the curriculum.  We are working with Sheryl Archibald to try to make that happen.

Youth Making a Difference turned out to be a wonderful event.  We were worried that kids weren't going to pull through but boy did they ever.  It was really amazing to see the hard work that our Cooper leaders did to make a difference in their communities.  We had two tables full of posters representing Cooper! Thank you to Bill who was my partner in crime for this event! The posters are currently on display outside of the lunchroom.  Please join us in congratulating the Cooper students and classes that participated!

Once again, Lauren pulled off a spectacular Art Show!  We seriously have the best art teacher in town!  We are always amazed at how intentional Lauren is with her planning; carefully matching her show to Cooper's theme of Leadership Around the World.  We had a terrific turnout both nights.  Parents were very complementary.

These events also demonstrate how truly wonderful and invested many of our parents are in Cooper.  The Book Fair went off without a hitch on Wednesday even though Judy had a personal commitment.  Cooper parents and library volunteers stepped up to the plate and ran the Book Fair with no problems.  Our wonderful PTA pulled off another successful Ice Cream Social.  Culvers donated all the ice cream for the event so if you pass it on Middlebelt be sure to support them!  Many staff attended the events this week.  Thank you!  Please know how much we appreciate your support and Cooper parents and students really love to see you at these events.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."  Einstein

Big Rocks

  • M-Step comes to a close for 5th grade this week.  Hooray!  We currently have over 50 make-ups so we will be trying to make that happen.  In lots of ways, the testing has been smoother than expected.  Hopefully, we will be more prepared for 6th grade after working through some kinks during the 5th grade testing.
  • Tim Backiel's dad is very sick.  Tim has taken FLMA leave to be with his dad and mom at this time.  He hopes to return before the end of the school year.  Linda Nasset is here currently covering his class but we are unsure who will be his sub long-term.  We will keep you updated.

Calendar for the Week of April 27:
Monday 4/27: 
Tuesday 4/28: 4:30 Susie Schnettler Memorial Meeting
                        6:30 PTA Meeting to pick the new board
Wednesday 4/29: Susie Schnettler's birthday  Moment of Silence during announcements
                              3:45 Planning/Lighthouse team
Thursday 4/30: 8:00 Staff Meeting with Dr. Liepa
Friday 5/1: It's MAY!!!  Terry and Sarah's Evaluations due to Andrea.  
                   Reminder that Teacher Evaluations are due June 1 to HR.  We will be finding times to
                   meet with all of you in the coming weeks.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

We can't spell cooperation without Cooper!

“If everyone helps to hold up the sky, then one person does not become tired.” 
― Askhari Johnson HodariLifelines: The Black Book of Proverbs

The sky I was worried about falling was held up by an incredible group of Cooper staff members last week. The M-Step testing began and the problems with it began and the fifth grade teachers stepped up to the task. I've never been more impressed or more proud of our staff. As the fifth grade teachers answered the call and made sure students were logged in, testing, and surviving the experience, RCRs and paras came to the rescue to help in every lab. Add Robin and Kathy N. to the mix, and Sarah and I could relax knowing the students were well taken care of.

Our teachers and paras are really a wonderful group. No one knew what to expect. Quite frankly, we were all expecting horrible things to happen. And sometimes problems came fast and heavy. But the fifth grade teachers, with the assistance of those mentioned above, came through. Students were made safe, computers were rebooted, crazy messages were recorded and deciphered, and all was good the first week of testing.

There's more.

The secretaries came through with cutting of tickets and organizing the envelopes. They see my stress and pitch in to help, even with all they have to do just to keep the lid on the office. Kathy Baldwin, our fabulous test coordinator, was there with all the phone calls and emails we had to send. Her constant message was for us to take care of the kids. And, last but certainly not least, Sarah was there: running from lab to lab, easing student concerns, calling parents, helping teachers, and making sure we stayed focused.

We are so fortunate to have this incredible staff, to have had the kind of cooperation we needed just when complaints and worry and constant concern for the uselessness of the testing could have prevailed. We did a great job of taking care of the most important things. We are taking care of the students. We are making sure they get what they need.

I thought maybe Leadership Day showed the best of Cooper. Last week, with the testing snafus and computer issues and scheduling nightmares, I think we may have seen the best of Cooper yet again!

“As the leader of a group, your success is going to depend, not only upon yourself, but on the cooperation of every person, working with you. If they do not cooperate, you will not accomplish anything, no matter how brilliant you may prove to be.” 
― J. Vernon Jacobs

Calendar for the Week of April 13:

Monday:         M-Step continues with math and social studies for 5th grade
                       7:30 Breakfast with Randy (Terry)
                       8:30 DSIT (Sarah)
                       4:30 Susie Memorial Meeting
                       6:30 Human Growth Parent Meeting (Cafe)
Tuesday:        8:00 Center EPT
                       4:30 Susie Memorial Meeting
                       6:00 Youth Making A Difference

Wednesday:    Earth Day
                        8:00 IST
                        9:30 QAR meeting (Sarah)
                        1:15 Instructional Rounds meeting (Sarah)
                        6:00 5th Grade Art Show and Ice Cream Social

Thursday:        Technology BYOD meetings at lunch (BYO cell phone)
                        3:45 Extended Staff Meeting
                        6:00 6th Grade Art Show and Ice Cream Social

Friday:             6:00 Skate Night

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Leadership Day: Learning and Leading

Last week, we celebrated a very successful Leadership Day.  Our students and staff were amazing and the guests made sure they let us know.  Most of it was the same things we have heard before: "your students are so confident," "they look people in the eye and speak respectfully to adults," "No suggestions; loved every minute."

One of our fifth grade students excitedly approached Judy to tell her about how he had overheard two councilman discussing how they were impressed with the students and heard them exclaim that Cooper was the "best school he'd ever seen."  He then noticed Terry and I and asked Judy if she thought we'd want to hear before running over to tell us the same thing.  It's this passion and excitement we are striving to instill in our students everyday.

Sometimes teachers tell us that they think Leadership Day is just a show and that people should be able to come in any day and see leadership everywhere.  I don't disagree but I also think there is another way of looking at it.  

In writing this update,  I couldn't help but equate Leadership Day to holding an Open House.  As much as I'd like to say that I spent the whole break Sharpening the Saw, I really was burning myself out.  I spent almost every day painting, purging, donating, cleaning, etc in order to put our house on the market.  My house looked "perfect" for the pictures and Open House.  Counters were cleaned off, toys were put away, closets were cleaned out, doors were repainted, etc.  We were putting on a "show."  We were highlighting our house's best qualities, to help it shine, to help others see how they could make it work for them, to show it's true potential.  That doesn't mean that we weren't living our mission statement.  That doesn't mean that we were fake.  

You can feel it when you walk into Cooper.  That feeling.  That energy.  That positive school culture and climate.  You can feel that any day at Cooper.  It's just highlighted differently on Leadership Day.  

You can feel it when you walk into my home.  My home is not a house.  It's a home and there is a difference.  You can feel the love.  You can feel the positive energy.  It's just highlighted differently during an Open House.

Every one of you should be proud of what you do everyday at Cooper.  It's not always evident but believe us when we say. 
The students are listening.
They are learning.
They are leading.

Big Rocks: 
M-STEP is here for 5th grade.  Terry has sent out the schedule.  He had to come in over break to print the test tickets since the window opened on April 3.  All test tickets are printed and ready to go for the first day.  We have the administrative manuals and will be there with you.  Please remember that you have to complete your classroom activity before the second test day that you have scheduled (the performance task).  We'll have to go with the flow and try our best.  Let's stay positive.  

Teacher Perception Survey: We were originally told that the Teacher Perception Survey for teachers to take on their administrators would be out this week.  We haven't received anything yet but you may receive the survey sometime this week.  Look out for an email from us.

A big thank you to everyone who helped with Leadership Day and especially to Nicole for all of her hard work organizing the day.  Also a big round of applause to Karen Danke and her side kicks Sue Gonyu and Colleen Sweeney for another amazing musical.  Willy Wonka blew everyone away!

The Art Show is coming!  Lauren, please let us know how we can help!  Many people were impressed with the art work and leadership/7habit art on Leadership Day.  Cooper Art Show 2015 is sure to be a huge success!

And a little thing to make you smile...

                                                     My 3 year old's fortune cookie...              
                                                                 Miss. M in action!

Calendar for the Week of April 13:

Monday: M-Step begins 
Tuesday: 5th grade rehearsal Variety Show 4-6
Wednesday: Human Growth Meeting ?
                    6th Grade rehearsal Variety Show 4-6
Thursday: Principals' Meeting: 1-4
                 PTO 6:30
                 Menchies fundraiser
Friday: Book Club 8:00