Sunday, April 19, 2015

We can't spell cooperation without Cooper!

“If everyone helps to hold up the sky, then one person does not become tired.” 
― Askhari Johnson HodariLifelines: The Black Book of Proverbs

The sky I was worried about falling was held up by an incredible group of Cooper staff members last week. The M-Step testing began and the problems with it began and the fifth grade teachers stepped up to the task. I've never been more impressed or more proud of our staff. As the fifth grade teachers answered the call and made sure students were logged in, testing, and surviving the experience, RCRs and paras came to the rescue to help in every lab. Add Robin and Kathy N. to the mix, and Sarah and I could relax knowing the students were well taken care of.

Our teachers and paras are really a wonderful group. No one knew what to expect. Quite frankly, we were all expecting horrible things to happen. And sometimes problems came fast and heavy. But the fifth grade teachers, with the assistance of those mentioned above, came through. Students were made safe, computers were rebooted, crazy messages were recorded and deciphered, and all was good the first week of testing.

There's more.

The secretaries came through with cutting of tickets and organizing the envelopes. They see my stress and pitch in to help, even with all they have to do just to keep the lid on the office. Kathy Baldwin, our fabulous test coordinator, was there with all the phone calls and emails we had to send. Her constant message was for us to take care of the kids. And, last but certainly not least, Sarah was there: running from lab to lab, easing student concerns, calling parents, helping teachers, and making sure we stayed focused.

We are so fortunate to have this incredible staff, to have had the kind of cooperation we needed just when complaints and worry and constant concern for the uselessness of the testing could have prevailed. We did a great job of taking care of the most important things. We are taking care of the students. We are making sure they get what they need.

I thought maybe Leadership Day showed the best of Cooper. Last week, with the testing snafus and computer issues and scheduling nightmares, I think we may have seen the best of Cooper yet again!

“As the leader of a group, your success is going to depend, not only upon yourself, but on the cooperation of every person, working with you. If they do not cooperate, you will not accomplish anything, no matter how brilliant you may prove to be.” 
― J. Vernon Jacobs

Calendar for the Week of April 13:

Monday:         M-Step continues with math and social studies for 5th grade
                       7:30 Breakfast with Randy (Terry)
                       8:30 DSIT (Sarah)
                       4:30 Susie Memorial Meeting
                       6:30 Human Growth Parent Meeting (Cafe)
Tuesday:        8:00 Center EPT
                       4:30 Susie Memorial Meeting
                       6:00 Youth Making A Difference

Wednesday:    Earth Day
                        8:00 IST
                        9:30 QAR meeting (Sarah)
                        1:15 Instructional Rounds meeting (Sarah)
                        6:00 5th Grade Art Show and Ice Cream Social

Thursday:        Technology BYOD meetings at lunch (BYO cell phone)
                        3:45 Extended Staff Meeting
                        6:00 6th Grade Art Show and Ice Cream Social

Friday:             6:00 Skate Night

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