Monday, June 1, 2015

Work and Pleasure, Pleasure and Work

"We are weighed down, every moment, by the conception and the sensation of Time.  And there are but two means of escaping and forgetting this nightmare: pleasure and work.  Pleasure consumes us.  Work strengthens us.  Let us choose."
Charles Baudelaire

Can we enjoy pleasure in our work the next ten days?  I was so busy enjoying family and friends this weekend that I completely forgot to do this work-writing the update!  We have many things to finish up in the next two weeks and many of them will bring us much pleasure.  The sixth grade teachers have been busy planning the 6th Grade Send Off: a gift to our 6th graders to celebrate their final days at Cooper.  Fifth grade classes are enjoying their final field trips.  We also will celebrate, on Friday, the volunteers that contribute to making Cooper such a wonderful place.  Most importantly, we will celebrate Terry, his life's work, and his legacy in Livonia Public Schools and Cooper.  This work is tiring now as the school year comes to an end but we must remember that our work as educators is what drives us, brings us purpose, and strengthens us.  Let us find pleasure and strength in our work as the end draws near.  

Big Rocks:
A huge thank you to Fatino Kincaide and Nicole LaBreff for a successful Field Day.  The students had a wonderful time and the weather held off.  A big thank you to Mrs. Spence's class for the wonderful Pledge of Allegiance in sign language.  Furthermore, Mrs. Danke's and Mrs. Crociata's students did a beautiful job singing The Star Spangled Banner conducted by Sarah Moss.  What fabulous demonstrations of student leadership!

Thank you to all of you for meeting with us about your evaluations.  Thank you for having data completed and turned in in a timely manner, bringing your thoughts and feedback to the meetings, and working collaboratively with us.  We appreciate you!

Calendar for the Week of June 1, 2015:
Monday: Evaluations due 
Tuesday: 7:45 Elementary Report Card Pilot Meeting at Hayes
                 8:00 Terry and Sarah meet with Emerson staff
                 4:30 Susie Schnettler Memorial Walk meeting
Wednesday: 8:00 IST
                      11:00-3:00 6th Grade Rec Center
                     3:45 Planning/Lighthouse Team meeting
Thursday: 8:00 Staff Meeting
                  1:00-4:00 Elementary Principal's Meeting at CO
Friday: 8:00 Young Adult Book Club (Bring 2 of your favorite books to trade for summer reading.)
             11:15 Volunteer Luncheon
              4:30-??? Terry's Retirement Party (WAHOOO!  Let's Celebrate!)

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