"If you are working on something really exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you." Steve Jobs
"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it."
I truly believe that if you try to live the 7 Habits, you will see them in everything you do. How many of you have noticed business mission statements that you would have never noticed before? Home Depot and Whole Foods have them prominently displayed, as do many other businesses. I not only see mission statements now but I also hear them. No, I have not turned into a crazy lady who hears things! However, I think that I listen to people differently than I did before embarking on this journey.
This weekend, my daughters had the opportunity to attend a horse camp run by a old high school friend of mine. We have watched each others' lives unfold on Facebook and have passed by each other several times over the years but hadn't really connected in almost twenty years. My daughters had the most wonderful time at Fox Farms. When I picked them up, they could not contain their excitement. Wet, dirty, and cold they talked incessantly about the horses, Stephanie, and all of the future horse dates they had planned. My girls were not the only ones who were flushed with excitement. Stephanie was clearly in her element and overjoyed at spending a day outdoors introducing children to horses and nature.
Stephanie called me Sunday morning and we talked excitedly for quite a while. She talked about how while she had been living the city life in California and taking classes to finish school, she kept dreaming of horses. When other life events brought her back to Michigan, the calling to connect with nature and horses made her stay. She finished up her psychology degree and has been working with children in schools. However, she is frustrated by the standardized testing system, children's addiction to technology, and believes strongly that many of the problems children experience today can be changed if we reconnect with animals and nature. Stephanie has embarked on her new adventure teaching horse lessons and horse therapy at Fox Farms. Carys exclaimed to her on Saturday, "This is my dream come true," Stephanie replied, "Mine too Carys."
I have started to think that our missions are clear if we listen. If you believe, as I do, that it is our mission to help children reach their true potential, then we must help them Begin with the End in Mind. We must talk less and listen more. We are raising learners and leaders that will help make the world a better place. We must understand both our means and our end on this journey. Mission statements are personal. You don't have to share yours but you should have an understanding of what it is. Know it. Reflect on it. Helps others find theirs. This process starts with us.
The First Fox Farm Horse Camp
Big Rocks:
Our new I-ready trainers are Sandy Wise and Shawn Webster. Victoria also volunteered but as our Illuminate Trainer the district wanted to spread the wealth! Thank you to all of you for volunteering!Our LPS Foundation Champions are Kitty Yost, Michelle Stackpoole, and Robin Della Mora. I'm sure we are the only school with three champions! Wahoo!
Constitution Day is September 17th and it is a federal requirement that we hold an educational program. Christine Fankell has to know how we are fulfilling the requirements so Kristi has made a Google doc. Please put a brief description of how you are fulfilling this obligation.
Please remember that you must complete the Universal Precaution training videos. A special checklist form was placed in your box last week. Please complete the videos by September 18 and place in Sarah or Kristi's box.
Fatino has distributed recess equipment and put out equipment on the recess carts. At this time, no more equipment will be distributed. We are really in desperate need for some new equipment and are looking into how to meet this need. Please be reminded that students cannot borrow equipment from the gym. Finally, Fatino and Lorraine will pump up equipment before or after school but cannot accommodate this request while they are teaching. Please do not send students down during the school day.
Sarah and Kristi went over the recess rules on Tuesday. We will distribute the rules to everyone. Students were great listeners.
Sarah is very interested in finding a day to have a running/walking club at recess to run with the students. She is also interested in running after school one day a week. If anyone else is interested, please let her know!
The first fire drill was a great success!! We have another one this Wednesday and a Lock Down drill on Friday. Please practice the Lock Down as "ready to run." If you would like to practice escaping, please try it. Talk to Sarah or Kristi if you want to talk it through.
Calendar for the Week of September 14, 2015:
Monday: Camp Forms Due
Noon Monitors Meeting 10:00
5th Grade Curriculum Night (6:00-7:00) and Open House (7:00-8:00)
Book Fair will be set up and ready to rock Monday night!
Tuesday: Lighthouse Team 3:45-5:00
Wednesday: IST 8:00
Fire Drill 2:00
Thursday: Staff Meeting 8:00 -CPS Mandatory Reporting. If you miss this meeting, you must make it up at another building. Please let Sarah or Kristi know if you need support with this.
11:30 Literacy Liaison Meeting (Sarah)
1:00-4:30 Elementary Principals' Meeting
Friday: Lead Time
Lock Down 1:15
Awesome post! Making choices based on our personal missions is so rewarding! We see how our time is the most valuable thing we give to others, and that we can be effective if we listen!