Friday, May 6, 2016

A Life Well Spent

This week, a fifth grader was brought to me during lunch for “popping” his milk, resulting in four other milk soaked students.  Before calling his mother, I asked him if this would be allowed during dinner at his house.  He eyes widened with confusion.  I stopped and asked the question, “Who do you eat dinner with?”  He responded that he ate with his brother and sister.  When I asked about his mother and grandmother, he replied that they either ate later on the couch or in their room.  Once again, I was reminded that we are not only teaching academics but life skills as well.
We have a difficult job. Perhaps, it is not a job at all but a calling. At the end of the day, one thing is for certain. A life spent teaching our youth is a life well spent. As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, please know that we appreciate all of you more than you know!

Favorite Teacher Appreciation Videos:

Big Rocks:
It’s the last week of MSTEP!  We have a few classes to finish up and will complete all of the make-ups this week. Thank you for your help, patience, and flexibility during this time.

F & P scores are due into Illuminate by Friday.  We were happy to provide additional support this week.  If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let us know.  Please attach your last running record to the pink sheet.

ACES was rescheduled for Monday at 10:30.  Please follow the map that Fatino provided.

We need a date for our Volunteer Luncheon.  Is anyone interested in taking the lead on this?  This is always such a lovely day to thank our Cooper volunteers.

We have placed in your mailbox a response from Andrea Oquist regarding the Third Grade Reading Legislative Bill that was featured Hometown Life.  It is important as educators we understand the current bills that are impacting us in education.  The original bill required mandatory retention for struggling readers in third grade.  The newest bill, House Bill 4822, although still extremely concerning, at least takes into consideration the views of parents and educators.  The view of the Board of Education and Central Office is that this is the most palatable of all the bills knowing that one will go into effect.

Calendar for the Week of May 9, 2016:
Monday: ACES 10:30
             Fire Drill 1:30
Tuesday: Teach Like a Pirate (Sarah, Judy, Robin, Victoria, Bill, Michelle)
Wednesday: 9:30-11:00 QAR (Sarah)
Thursday: 3:45-5:00 Extended Staff Meeting
Friday: 8:45 LEAD time with Accountability Partners
           F & P Scores due into Illuminate
          Last day of MSTEP!!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    Great reminder that all students have "a story" and we need to be empathetic and patient as we teach them both academics and life skills. Thanks!!

