Sunday, June 12, 2016

Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight

One of my favorite musicians is a relatively new singer named Amos Lee.  He has a soulful, bluesy, folky sound that is perfect to work to or listen to while hanging out with friends.  One of my favorite songs is titled, "Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight."  Legend has it that the song was inspired by a homeless man who told Amos to "Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight" after he gave the man some money on the streets of Philadelphia one day.

As I was running last week, the song came on and I was moved by the chorus.
"We all need a place we can go 
to feel over the rainbow.  
But sometimes 
We forget what we got
Who we are
Oh who we are not
I think we gotta chance 
To make it right.
Keep it loose.
Keep it tight."

It might seem like a stretch to some but, the more I listen to the song, the more I'm convinced it could be a metaphor for life.  What matters most to you?  What are your priorities?  How is what you are doing or not doing aligned to your personal mission?  What happens when things are too loose?  Are you too relaxed or unmotivated?  How does being too tight, too anxious, or too serious affect your daily life?

I know that in my first year as principal there were many learning curves.  There were things that may have been too loose and too tight.  I think that balance in a school of too loose and too tight is a fine line.  How do we allow students to lead and encourage student voice while still defining rules and expectations that allow for a safe, positive, predictable learning environment?  Together, Kristi and I found ourselves in many situations we didn't expect to be in.  Personally, I know that I was forced to examine who I was and who I was not.

This isn't always a bad thing.  Madeline L'Engle once said, "It's a good thing to have all the props pulled out from under us occasionally.  It gives us some sense of what is rock under our feet and what is sand."  We can't change the past but we can reflect and learn from experiences right now.  Reflection is an art form that allows us to think deeply about our lives and make changes that lead to personal and professional growth.  As I reflect on this year, there are may things that I realize need to be explicitly stated, work that needs to be done to improve our school culture, and ways we can come together.  At the end of the day, we all want to do what's best for kids.  As you finish the school year, take some time to reflect on your year.  Ask yourself what I could I do better.  Yet don't forget to ask yourself what you did right.  At the end of the day, you changed lives.  You worked miracles.  Thank you.  
Keep it loose.  Keep it tight.

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."  
Stacia Tauscher

"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.  The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child."  Carl Jung

Big Rocks:
Thank you to everyone who helped organize the Volunteer Luncheon, brought food, and dined with our volunteers.  We heard nothing but positive comments from our families.  They couldn't believe what a wonderful spread was provided!

Thank you to Bill Lietz for organizing another fabulous Talent Show.  Our students really love this opportunity.  Time and time again, I've told Bill that he doesn't have to put in so much time but he always responds that he does it for the kids; that many of them need a safe and positive place to go after school and he's right.  Thanks Bill!  We just might need to "Keep it tight" with audience expectations next year.  ;)

Thank you to our fabulous custodians who have been very flexible with all of our end of the year shenanigans.  Extra garbage cans.  Tables moved around.  Chairs put out.  We appreciate you guys!

Check your email for the All School Celebration times.  For those classes who have the Kona Ice truck during lunch, teachers do not need to help.  We were only able to have Kona Ice visit from 11:30-1:30 so the noon monitors and Kristi and I will be out helping!  It's going to be a beautiful day!

Sixth grade teachers please review your emails for 6th grade send off information.  We will watch the rain carefully.  A big thank you to all of the 6th grade teachers but especially to Wendy for taking the lead.  This is always a wonderful day for our students.

An email will be forthcoming regarding autograph times for the last day of school.  There will be a Cooper lunch following the student departure.  There is a sign up for Jimmy Johns in the office from the Enthusiasm team.  Don't forget to come outside with us as we wave goodbye to our kiddos!

Thank you to Samantha Slack for filling in for Dawn at the end of the year.  It was not an easy job but we really appreciate it!

Sign up sheets will be on our doors this week.  Please sign up and don't forget to review your check out list and signatures prior to check out!

Calendar for the Week of June 13:
Monday: All School Celebration
Tuesday: 6th Grade School's Out Concert 9:35, 1:55
               Mod Pizza Dine to Donate
Wednesday: 6th Grade Send Off
                    PARS Data Due
                    Zoo Trip
Thursday: Last Day!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Life is a Marathon

On Sunday morning, I ran the Dexter Ann Arbor Half Marathon.  It's a great race.  I've run it almost every year, trading back and forth between the 5K, 10K , or half marathon.  The last time I ran the half was 7 years ago and I was much faster and prepared than this year.  So, I wasn't expecting the best race but as I began to run I realized that I felt great.  I was consistently hitting each mile under pace time.

Then, around mile nine, the sky opened up and the rain poured down.  You have to love runners.  Instead of pouting or quitting, whoops of delight rose up from the crowd.  People held their arms and face up to the sky.  Just as I held my face up, the song Stronger by Kelly Clarkson began to play on my iPod.  The lyrics "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" belted out of my headphones and I knew this wouldn't make me quit either.

As the last few miles neared, I felt myself slowing down.  My legs ached.  I felt weak and drained.  Surely, I could not take another step.  That negative voice in my head was starting to tell me "you can't do it."  "It's not worth it."  "No one will care if you quit now."

Yet, something inside me would not let me stop.  As I climbed the last hill, I fought.  As the pain and exhaustion washed over me, I placed one foot in front of the other.  I could hear the cheers of the finish line.  I scanned the crowd and saw them.  My little fan club yelling "Go Mommy go!"  With one last push, I lengthened my stride and crossed the finish line.

The school year is like running a marathon.  It starts out full of hope and promise.  Somewhere along the way the sky darkens, the rain comes, and you are forced to weather the storm.  All of the hard work will pay off but you have to cross the finish line.  It's painful and you want to quit but you choose to fight instead.  Occasionally, in the last mile you are able to banish the tired thoughts from your brain and be present.  To feel the beat of your heart.  Hear the roar of the crowd.  To feel proud of your accomplishment.  Even if it wasn't a perfect race.  You still finished it when many others chose to quit or worse, never start.  The finish line is calling!  May the hill be short and sweet.  It's so close.  We can taste it.

At the finish line with my dad!

"If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm."  Frank Lane
"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship."  Louisa May Alcott
"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.  It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."  John Hanc
"If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon." Katherine Switzer

Big Rocks:
A huge congratulations to all of the parents of graduates this week!  I know it was an emotional week for many of you.  Congratulations!
Kristi and Ian

Jacky Bowling

Michael Licata

Little M Preschool Grad

A big thank you to Bill Lietz for once again leading the Cooper Talent Show!  The daytime performances are Tuesday and the night performance in Wednesday.   5th Grade 9:15-10:45
6th Grade 1:30-3:00 

Thank you to Tim Backiel for taking the lead on the 6th grade Rec Center trip.  That trip is this Wednesday.  

The Volunteer Tea is this Friday.  We have so many wonderful volunteers that help make Cooper the special place it is.  Please join us for lunch on Friday from 11:30-12:45.  You may sign up to bring a dish in the lounge.  Thank you to Judy for organizing and advertising.  Thank you to Fatino for allowing us use of the gym!

Speaking of Fatino and Lorraine, thank you so much for another wonderful Field Day.  The students had a wonderful time and the weather was just perfect.  Thank you to Bill for helping with Relay Recess.  I know it did not go as planned but the students had a great time walking the track and it was a great cause.  Mrs. Petrie was very appreciative of our support!
Torch Runners!
Calendar for the Week of June 6:
Monday: 11:45 Student Lighthouse
                12:30 Meeting with Hayes Parent (Sarah and Kristi)
                1:00 Parent Meeting
                3:00 Meeting with Cleveland Parent (Sarah and Kristi)
Tuesday: Variety Show 5th Grade 9:15-10:45
                1:00 Kristi Evaluation Meeting at CO
                Variety Show 6th Grade 1:30-3:00
                 Lighthouse Team 3:45-5:00
Wednesday: 9:00-1:00 Sarah Evaluation Meeting at CO
                     6th Grade Rec Center
                     6:00 Talent Show
Thursday: 3:45-5:00 Extended Staff Meeting 
                 6:00 PTA
Friday: 11:30-12:45 Volunteer Tea

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Practice of Renewal

This weekend, my husband and I traveled to New York City for my high school best friend's wedding. By ourselves. Without the kids. We haven't done that since 2009 when we only had two little ones at home.  

We were worried about the usual things: the cost, the children, my parents' sanity. How could we do it? Yet, how could we not? Laura had stood by my side as my maid of honor 12 years earlier, traveling across the ocean as a fresh out of college young nurse. My other best friend, Carys' godmother, was coming too and had many fun adventures planned for us. Little did I know that two of our other high school friends were coming as well and when we saw each other it was like old times. It was as if it had only been a sliver of time, not a chasm of over twenty years of love and heartbreak, marriage and parenthood.  

Sharpening the Saw reminds us to balance our heart, mind, body, and soul. It is an ongoing process of personal change. It encourages us to renew and enhance our greatest asset-ourselves. Hopefully, you were able to take some time to practice the habit of renewal this weekend. We have only three weeks left. It may bring challenges but by Sharpening the Saw we can increase our capacity for productivity and happiness.  

Big Rocks:
Field Day is this Friday! There will be no gym classes on this day. The 5th grade Field Day will run from 9:00-11:00 and the 6th grade Field Day will run from 1:15-3:15. Please wear red, white, and blue. Fatino and Lorraine have asked all teachers to send two trustworthy students to help assist with Field Day. 6th graders will report at 8:45 and 6th graders at 1:00. If your students can not participate, please let them now. Please refer to the Field Day Notes that were placed in your mailboxes last week for additional information. 

Thank you so much to the teachers who helped with 4th Grade Transition! We received excellent feedback from the 4th grade teachers. They felt that it was more engaging for their students. Many 5th grade teachers also gave a lot of positive feedback stating that they felt it engaged all students in the process and there were a lot of proud and excited students demonstrating their leadership. We also met with all of the 4th grade teachers and grouped for 5th grade classrooms, trying to be as intentional as possible with behavior and academic placements. We look forward to having the 5th grade teachers group for 6th grade on Tuesday.  

It is that time of year and Judy is putting together the 6th grade DVD. Please have all pictures to her by Friday. Please upload all photos to the appropriate folder in Google Drive.

Welcome back Nicole!  We are so excited to see your smiling face.  Many thanks to Emily Korpela for doing a terrific job while Nicole was taking care of baby Vivian.

Calendar for the week of May 30, 2014:
Monday: No school. Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday: 5th grade grouping
                3:45-5:00 Lighthouse Team
Wednesday8:00 IST
Thursday8:00 Staff Meeting
               EPM 1:00-4:30
Friday: Field Day

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Arggh! Calling All Pirates!

Arrgghhh!  Last week, many of us had the opportunity to see Dave Burgess, author of Teach Like a Pirate.  At lunch, we were so fired up that Bill actually wanted to return to the building for the afternoon.  Everyone was back early from lunch break and we were the last educators to leave the building at the end of the day!

In teaching and modeling some of Dave’s ideas, we decided to try to recreate part of the experience at the staff meeting.  Gold coins, mystery boxes, pirate music, and enthusiasm dominated the staff meeting.  Michelle did a phenomenal job modeling the the “Good Morning Transition” while standing on a chair.  Victoria was so overcome with excitement that she came in a tad early on her slide, her superhero cape flapping in the wind.  Boxes and Whiskers superhero was unveiled by Bill and Robin made the G rated topic of Immersion a bit more R rated.  

At the end of the meeting, even with all of the positive comments, I was not surprised to hear the question, “Did Dave talk about the issue of time?”  Dave did not specifically discuss “time.”  He does teach high school and have the ability to focus on a few key lessons throughout the day.  However, he did talk about the P of Pirate which may help provide a mindset shift about time.  The Passion of Pirate is also the extra umph we all need to finish the school year strong!

P stands for Passion, which he breaks into three categories.  Dave realizes that teachers have a deep, dark secret...we don’t love everything we teach.  For Dave, he loved the Civil Rights Movement and hated Railroads.  I loved teaching Michigan History in 3rd grade but didn’t love teaching plants with those hydroponic plants that I could never get to grow!  So what is your content passion?  Within your subject matter, what are you passionate about teaching?  The content that you are passionate is “easy” to teach.  Our enthusiasm and zest for it increase our enjoyment.  Yet, what happens when you are teaching “railroad” or “hydroponic plants”?

When you are struggling to teach the content, Dave suggests that you focus on your professional passion.  Within your profession, but not specific to your subject matter, what are you passionate about?  Why did you go into teaching in the first place?  Are there ways to infuse Life Changing Lessons into your teaching?  Many of you are gifted storytellers, know how to use humor to engage your students, or pick just the right book, video, or quote to inspire discussion and connect with students.  How can you use your professional passion to fill the gaps or increase interest in the content?

Finally, what is your personal passion?  Completely outside of your profession, what are you passionate about?  For Dave, it was magic that he would infuse into his lessons to increase engagement.  For Lynn, it might mean turning into her alter ego, Sparkalee the clown.  Bill uses Detroit Tigers Baseball.  I used baking and cooking (what kid doesn’t like food?) and drama; turning many hard to read textbooks and lessons into plays for the kids to perform in class.

As we enter the final stretch, don’t forget to take a moment to think about your passion for education.  We should be finishing the year with the same intentionality with which we began.  That’s a difficult task right now.  Find that passion.  We didn’t become teachers for the tests, the rules, or the worksheets.  I’d bet the majority of us became teachers for the children.  For the believe that what we do matters.  To honor the potential of each child and the passion we have within ourselves.

“Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.”  Denis Diderot
“Individuality of expression is the beginning and end of all art.”  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Big Rocks:
Fourth Grade Transition is this week!  A big thank you to all of the 5th grade teachers for synergizing and creating a “3rd alternative” for our transition day. We are excited to see how the new plan goes.  For those of you that don’t know, Linda coordinated letters to be sent from our students to the feeder schools a few weeks ago.  The principals were so excited when Kristi and I gave them the letters at the staff meeting so I’m sure the students were just as thrilled.  We will still start with a quick welcome in the cafe and then the students will proceed to their partner class.  Cathy Santi did a terrific job creating a scavenger hunt for the 4th and 5th grade students to do together.  If you see the students in the hallway, make sure to say hello and have your students welcome them to Cooper.  Mary Ann and Michelle still helped out with snacks and tokens.  Michelle got a huge deal on water for all of the students.  I’m sure I’m forgetting someone so thank you to all!

A big thank you to everyone who helped Tara’s class with the Heifer project. They far exceeded their goal, earning over a whopping $625!  Mrs. Martin’s class helped the cause by raising enough to buy their own goat.  I’m sure Tara’s class with keep us posted.  Well done!

The PTA Leaders are ready to help a great cause as well!  Starting this week and going to June 3 will be the Cooper Coin War for Relay for Life.  All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society.

Sixth Grade Send Off is scheduled for June 15.  A big thank you to Wendy for organizing this and creating a new format.  It looks great!

We are still trying to figure out if we can do some different teaming next year.  If you are interested in any different teaming formats or room assignments, please send Kristi and I a proposal as soon as possible.

5D will be the new evaluation for the coming year.  This is all we know so far.  This is a pdf of the rubric.

Calendar for the Week of May 23:
Monday: Detroit Tigers Day
Tuesday: 4th Grade Transition (Grant/Hayes)
Wednesday: Soccer Clinic
Thursday: 8:00 Staff Meeting
               4th Grade Transition (Cleveland/Roosevelt)
               3:45 Lauren’s Shower
Friday: School Improvement Plan Due

          Theme ballots due to Sally

Friday, May 6, 2016

A Life Well Spent

This week, a fifth grader was brought to me during lunch for “popping” his milk, resulting in four other milk soaked students.  Before calling his mother, I asked him if this would be allowed during dinner at his house.  He eyes widened with confusion.  I stopped and asked the question, “Who do you eat dinner with?”  He responded that he ate with his brother and sister.  When I asked about his mother and grandmother, he replied that they either ate later on the couch or in their room.  Once again, I was reminded that we are not only teaching academics but life skills as well.
We have a difficult job. Perhaps, it is not a job at all but a calling. At the end of the day, one thing is for certain. A life spent teaching our youth is a life well spent. As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, please know that we appreciate all of you more than you know!

Favorite Teacher Appreciation Videos:

Big Rocks:
It’s the last week of MSTEP!  We have a few classes to finish up and will complete all of the make-ups this week. Thank you for your help, patience, and flexibility during this time.

F & P scores are due into Illuminate by Friday.  We were happy to provide additional support this week.  If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let us know.  Please attach your last running record to the pink sheet.

ACES was rescheduled for Monday at 10:30.  Please follow the map that Fatino provided.

We need a date for our Volunteer Luncheon.  Is anyone interested in taking the lead on this?  This is always such a lovely day to thank our Cooper volunteers.

We have placed in your mailbox a response from Andrea Oquist regarding the Third Grade Reading Legislative Bill that was featured Hometown Life.  It is important as educators we understand the current bills that are impacting us in education.  The original bill required mandatory retention for struggling readers in third grade.  The newest bill, House Bill 4822, although still extremely concerning, at least takes into consideration the views of parents and educators.  The view of the Board of Education and Central Office is that this is the most palatable of all the bills knowing that one will go into effect.

Calendar for the Week of May 9, 2016:
Monday: ACES 10:30
             Fire Drill 1:30
Tuesday: Teach Like a Pirate (Sarah, Judy, Robin, Victoria, Bill, Michelle)
Wednesday: 9:30-11:00 QAR (Sarah)
Thursday: 3:45-5:00 Extended Staff Meeting
Friday: 8:45 LEAD time with Accountability Partners
           F & P Scores due into Illuminate
          Last day of MSTEP!!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Creating a Shared Vision

After finishing my evaluation narrative late one night this week, I opened Facebook only to have this pop up on my feed.  As I read it, I smiled as a sense of peace and relief washed over me.  Brene Brown reminded us that "when perfectionism is driving us, shame is always riding shotgun."  We can't be perfect.  The shame of what we didn't accomplish, what child we didn't "save", our imperfections, can eat away at us.  As I wrote my evaluation, I realized there is plenty of what we accomplished this year that is right.  There is plenty that should be celebrated: our staff, our students, our perseverance.  

Yesterday's staff professional development day was a reminder of our commitment to each other and our students.  My head pounded by the end of the day but the feedback I did receive was positive and powerful.  "This was good work."  "The day flowed nicely."  "I think we are headed in the right direction."  Working from a shared vision, we have the power to align our vision, mission, and goals to work most efficiently and effectively to empower ourselves and our students and provide them with a high quality education and character traits to be happy and successful human beings.  As Van Gogh said, "Great things start with a series of small things brought together."  

Big Rocks:
Lion King is this Tuesday at 7:00 pm!  This year it will be held at Churchill in order to provide more space for our audience.  It is always a packed night!  Under Karen's direction, our students always do an amazing job.  There will be two morning presentations on Tuesday morning at 9:30-10:25.  Please refer to the Google Doc Karen shared.  We are excited to see what this year brings!

Wednesday night is Cooper Culver's Dine to Donate Night!  It will take place from 5:00-8:00.  This is a Win-Win!  Culver's gave us free ice cream for our Art Show and Leadership Showcase and we said we would do a restaurant night in return.  Bill placed a sign up sheet in the lounge.  Feel free to sign up.  The students LOVE to see us serving the food and talking to their families.

ACES is this Wednesday from 10:30-11:00.  M-STEP should be finished by that time for the people who are testing.  Students may bring their water bottle.  Fatino will distribute a map.  The route will be the same as the Walk-a-thon.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  The PTA has planned a packed week for you!
Monday:  Time out for Lunch ( Jimmy Johns as well as a traveling Concession Stand) 
Tuesday: Breakfast of Champions - Pastries brought to you from The Looney Baker, Coffee from                   Biggby
Wednesday: Concessions Carts will be making their way throughout the halls of Cooper
Thursday: Staff Meeting Gifts! 
Friday: Tailgate Lunch - Games to play on the lawn!  

Calendar for the Week of May 2:

Monday:11:45 Student Lighthouse 
            1:00 - 4:00 Kristi at CO
Tuesday: 9:30 Lion King
              10:25 Lion King
              3:45-5:00 Lighthouse Team
              Lion King at Churchill
Wednesday:10:30-11:00 ACES 
                  11:15 PTA Leaders
                  5:00-8:00 Culvers
Thursday:8:00 Staff Meeting 
                11:00 Curriculum Advisory Meeting (Sarah)
                1:00-4:30 Principals' Meeting 
Friday: 8:00-11:30 SIP work (Sarah and Robin)
           8:45 LEAD Bus Meetings

Friday, April 22, 2016

School Secretaries are the Heart of the School

All educators may complain that they are overworked and underpaid. Yet, if you had to ask who deserves one of the biggest paychecks in the school, it would have to be the school secretaries. In Cooper's case, we hit the school secretary (or fancy title-Administrative Professional) jackpot! Pam and Colleen are the rocks of Cooper. A school secretary can make or break a school. They are literally the "face" of Cooper. The first person students, staff, and parents see when they walk in the door.

We recently had the pleasure of evaluating Pam and Colleen. The evaluation asked about bookkeeping skills, confidentiality, attendance,etc. They certainly do those things well but what we appreciate about them the most is that they are student focused. They put students first day after day after day. Then, they take care of us too.
Duties performed by a school secretary:
  • accountant
  • public relations specialist
  • nurse to ailing students
  • counselor to students and colleagues
Some special talents of Pam and Colleen:
  • feeder of Principals
  • charmer of UPS and copy machine personnel
  • declutter queens
  • shoulders to cry on
  • finders of lost children
  • delousers
  • relationship experts, bullying consultants, etc
Magic Johnson once said, "All children need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them." Thank you Pam and Colleen for exhibiting help, hope, and belief in all you do.

Big Rocks:
M-Step has gone fairly smoothly.  There have been a few issues but most have been able to be resolved quickly.  This week 5th grade will be finishing up and 6th grade will be starting.  A HUGE thank you to Robin who has been a go to person for assisting with questions and concerns. Interestingly enough, we just found out that 36-48 hours after testing, individual student results are available on the BAA site.  Final reports are due late August.

Youth Making a Difference will be held this Tuesday at Churchill High School from 6:00-8:00.  Students can bring their tri fold boards to the office and we will bring them over on Tuesday night.  If a student or a class needs a tri fold board, we have them in the office.

LPS is searching for more presenters for Level Up 3.0.  If you have something new you have tried with technology, sign up!

If you have not heard, state law now requires that the Teacher Evaluation tool be one of several models.  Livonia has looked at three models: Danielson, 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning, and The Thoughtful Classroom.  We know that this is not welcome news. It is going to be a new learning curve for all of us. It appears that 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning is the front runner.  We do not have a lot of information at this point but know that due to state law it is a mandatory move.  

Our professional development day on Thursday will be School Improvement focused.  There is also a follow up on the DSIT Culture and Climate goal that the district has asked us to do.  Finally, we would like to do some follow up on the team meetings and Cooper Vision.  The day will start at 8:00.  Lunch will go from 11:00-12:30 and the day will end at 3:30.

The Fire Drill on Friday does still interfere with two 6th grade classes. However, this is at the very end of your testing window and we believe it is very likely that everyone will be finished. This is a required passing time drill. Most teachers will be in the midst of taking students to lunch or recess. Please remind students that if there is ever a fire during lunch or recess, they would proceed out the back of the school. Students at recess would want to line up (by class if possible) away from the school, off of the blacktop. Student at lunch would proceed calmly out the back door and line up by class in the field, off of the blacktop. This will be more chaotic than usual but we will be outside to direct students. This is good practice for an emergency.

Calendar for the week of April 25:
Monday: MSTEP 6th grade begins this week
              11:45 Student Lighthouse Meeting
12:15-3:30 PD Planning
Tuesday: 6:00-8:00 Youth Making a Difference at Churchill
Wednesday: 8:00-11:00 Kelly Boswell Professional Development (Sarah/Kristi, Sally, Shawn)
Thursday: Professional Development Day at Cooper-School Improvement
Friday: 8:45 LEAD time Leadership Roles
           11:15 Fire Drill

Friday, April 15, 2016

Make Them Gold

"We are made of our longest days
We are falling but not alone
We will take the best part of ourselves 
And make them gold"

Thursday night we tried something new.  The Lighthouse Team listened to your concerns about Leadership Day and took a risk.  We may not have had as many students participate as in year's past.  We may not have had as many "community" leaders.  The projects may not have been "perfect."

Yet, they were "perfect enough."  The leadership that did shine through was authentic.  The students' projects were their own.  With the representation of so many content areas, the showcase was aligned to our mission of "learning and leading."  Students arrived early and excited.  They were prepared when sharing their projects and thoughtfully answered questions.

We have a lot of reflection to do.  Feedback is certainly encouraged and welcomed.  From just the few conversations I have had with staff, I believe that with some more planning and encouragement the Showcase could evolve into something even greater.

Leadership Choir

Presenting on How to Write a Mission Statement

Presenting on his App Club using his own powerpoint

Playing Guitar 

Cooper Host

Recommended Articles: 
Thank you to Sally for sharing the following article, "9 Elephants in the Classroom that Unsettle Us."  It is very thought provoking article about common school practices and how they do not align with what we know about today's modern learners and the job we must do in order to prepare students for their "real lives."

Thank you to Mary Ann for sharing the following video, "Teachers as Architects and Masons."

Big Rocks: 
Thank you to Lauren Didomenico for another beautiful Art Show.  Most of us have been in many buildings and understand that Lauren's passion for art and dedication to Cooper are rare. When I think of my own children who define themselves as artists but whose least favorite special at school is Art, I am reminded how very blessed we are to have Lauren at Cooper.

In typical Cooper fashion, there were so many people that helped with the Leadership Showcase that I would be afraid to name all of you in case I forgot someone!  However, there is one person who went above and beyond and deserves a special thank you.   Angie Doelker.  Thank you Angie for writing the letters, organizing placement of our Cooper leaders, setting up, meeting with presenters and different leadership roles, etc!

Report Cards must be completed by midnight on Monday, April 18th.  Report cards will be sent home on Friday, April 22.

Thank you to Adam Lark for filling in for his third long term at Cooper and completing Dawn's report cards on such short notice.  This was not an easy task and we really appreciate Tim, Robin, Wendy, and Bill's advice and help.  If I missed anyone else, thank you!

Band-o-rama was rescheduled for this Thursday at 7:00 at Franklin High School.  

The Professional Development Day on April 28th is building based.  The day will be at Cooper from 8:00-3:30.  Lunch is from 11:00-12:30.  More information will be coming. 

Thank you to everyone for providing us with strengths and challenges feedback.  We have all of the comments in a Google Doc and are just deciding what is the best way to share it.  The lastest you will receive it is on the 28th.  There are a few people who did not get to attend.  If you would still like to meet with us, just pop in!

Overall, M-STEP is going well.  There have been a few cases where tickets have not worked but reprinting the ticket has solved the problem.  There have also been a few cases where an error message has appeared.  Sometimes moving to a new computer has worked.  Other times, just pressing the back button and re-logging in has worked.  We will keep you posted.

We are supposed to have at least one emergency drill during a passing time.  The fire drill on Tuesday will be at the beginning of lunch time.  Most classes will be walking to lunch or recess.  Classes who are already in the lunchroom will need to be reminded that they should exit the building quietly out the back door.  Students who are at recess will line up quietly in the field.

Calendar for the Week of April 18. 2016:
Monday: 11:45 Student Lighthouse
               3:45-5:00 GOTR
Tuesday: 11:15 Fire Drill
                1:30 Triad Meeting
Wednesday: 8:00 IST
                   3:45-5:00 GOTR
Thursday: 8:00 Staff Meeting
                 1:00-4:30 Elementary Principal's Meeting
                 7:00 Band-O-Rama at FHS
Friday: 8:00-10:00 Curriculum Advisory Presentation
            8:45 LEAD Time with Accountability Partners